Never deny yourself for even a moment the gift of being happy..........The nature of the soul(atma) is to be happy always............The childlike spirit of the atma always remains untouched even in the weakest mind.........You have to follow the blissful nature of the atma by simply turning your mind completely and fully toward it.......... The mind is miserable because it is always looking for more..........It tries to touch everything external but fails to touch the source of joy within one’s Self...... There is no one that makes you miserable...........The atma is the fountain of joy.........Who can touch that? Who can steal that from you? It is you that denies your own self the gift of being happy........It is you that becomes aware of that which is not present........... Be grateful for whatever comes your way..........Be ready for whatever you have to do.......What is this worry for perfection? Nothing ever is perfect.........And even if you feel something was perfect it was only what you had perceived in your mind and coincidentally received......... The misery begins when one in impatience begins his wait for his every desire to come true....... The thought of faith shall carry you My child........much more than the penny that holds in it a bagful of worry..... Be happy..........not because all is going as per your plan..........but because you have found the strength to remain content no matter what.........The foolish man dives into the ocean and tries to straighten every rippling wave of the ocean..........The wise one learns to ride the simple game of life and love.........